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Action legend Jackie Chan will turn 60 when his birthday comes along in April and hopes he can reach “60 million Facebook likes”, which would be an amazing achievement.
Jackie has now passed the 50 MILLION mark, which is out standing, showing he has an army of fans all around the world. Jackie has just broke box office records with the release of Police Story 2013, he has done so much for charity for many, many years and still continues to do work around the world to help others.
As Jackie would love to hit another record and achieve 60 million LIKES on his Facebook page, i urge every fan of his out there to go to the link at the top of the page and “LIKE” his page. Jackie Chan has brought us some of the greatest movies of all time, Police Story series, Dragons Forever, Drunken Master 1-2, Fearless Hyena, Snake In The Eagles Shadow/strong> and many more.
As a trio along with Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, known to fans as “The Three Dragons”, they went on to make some of the finest action movies, such as Project A, Dragons Forever and Wheels On Meals.
So if you are already a fan of his Facebook page, please share his page and get your friends, family and even group pages to LIKE his page and lets get him to that goal of 60 MILLION. It would be a fantastic birthday present to Jackie and his family and i am sure his fans would also want him to achieve his goal.
Jackie had this to say on his official Face book page:
I’m so happy and surprised because my son Jaycee is making preparations for my 60th Birthday Party! I’m so touched and grateful for my son, especially for understanding what I’ve always wanted.
Jaycee and his team are preparing for my 2014 “With Heart, With Love, With Happiness” 60th Birthday Party. Of course, I would like to invite my fans to take part in this monumental event as well!
The theme of my party will be love, peace and harmony. Tentatively, a lineup of events will be held in Beijing and Shanghai between April 6 – April 10, and will include a concert, fan club party, and an opportunity to visit my JC Film Gallery in Shanghai.
If you’d like an opportunity to celebrate with me, keep a close eye on my Official Jackie Chan website for Jaycee’s latest updates. The number of participants to the event is limited so Jaycee and his team will announce further details on the selection process soon. If selected, you just need to prepare your own return airfare tickets and necessary visa documents for China. Expenses during your stay in China, including concert tickets, entry to my museum, food during the trip, accommodation, and local transportation will be covered by me, Jackie Chan.
This pre-announcement from Jaycee is for all my fans. Further details on how to participate in this event will be announced early February. So, keep your eyes posted for the latest updates. I look forward to seeing all my fans very soon.
A big heartfelt thank you to everyone for your unconditional and continuous support.
When Jackie reached the 50 million mark, it had a video message to all his fans thanking them and wants his army of fans to reach that 60 million number by April 7th 2014.
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