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Martial Arts Royalty: Iko Uwais

Many consider the late Bruce Lee to be the reigning King of action film martial artists. I am among the many. However, today we are living in the era of King Donnie.

In my opinion, since the passing of Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen is the one who currently holds the throne. Yes, I am familiar with other well-deserving Princes of Martial Arts who could very well have reigned in Donnie’s place such as Jet Le and Tony Jaa, but this is my kingdom and Donnie Yen is my king.

While the line of successors following Donnie is quite impressive in its own right, I have discovered a dragon in the sky by the name of Iko Uwais. He has the potential to burn right through the royal line.

Being relatively young and new to the martial arts action film industry hasn’t stopped this Indonesian-born star from front-kicking his way onto the scene. Having already starred in three movies directed by Gareth Evans, two of which were highly acclaimed, Iko drizzles trails of blood and bone carnage all over the big screen in one adrenaline charged fight after another. His powerful punches move with tornado-like speed as he brilliantly displays a magnetism pumped full of deadliness each time he attacks.

In my Kingdom, Iko has earned the title Crown Prince of Martial Arts.

Moreover, like his predecessors, Iko is a true student of martial arts having mastered the Indonesian traditional style ‘‘.

He is so good that Star Wars: The Force Awakens director, JJ Abrams, reached out to him and two of his co-stars from The Raid for a brief appearance in the mega-film. With more and more projects on the horizon, I know he can only get better from here.


Decide for yourself if  can fight well enough to earn the title of Crown Prince.


CoolHappyMe Rating: 5 Stars (and a “Hell yeah” because it was just that good!)


: Berandal

CoolHappyMe Rating: 5 Stars (and a “Hell yeah” because it was just that good too!)


CoolHappyMe Rating: 4 Stars


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