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Short Film Review: We Need to Know (2018) by Iskander Azizuddin

A man finds himself under interrogation for the death of his wife. As he attempts to recollect the events that transpired on that fateful night, it becomes clear that the real perpetrator is in the same room as him.

There was quite a lot to like in this short. The simplistic approach and tense atmosphere created by the setup of an interrogation gives “We Need to Talk” a wholly immersive beginning. That goes alongside the outbursts and psychological torment of Manish trying to recall the events in detail. The rapid-fire editing style of going back-and-forth between Manish, the psychiatrist and the other suspect in the room adds a lot of suspense by enhancing the amount of paranoia already created by the interrogation situation.

That leads into the one main detrimental feature of the short. Once it gives away the twist that the psychiatrist is letting the suspect go on unchecked and unreprimendad for his comments, the film gives away the ending rather easily which really undoes a lot of the work Azizuddin built up before. The antagonizing nature of what he’s saying automatically shoehorns in the idea of where the short will end up before that reveal drops. Being an overdone trope anyway, there’s no shock or surprise at all. Overall, this is still an enjoyable, well-made effort.

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