
Winning Poker Players Maintain Peak Mental and Physical Performance Levels

Mastering self-control over your fears, greed and other emotions is essential to be a thriving poker player. A poker player must exercise to keep their mental, physical abilities at peak when they are away from the table. These rigorous, continuous exercises keep them intelligent and focus on taking crucial moments in the game of poker. Only smartness cannot take you to the peak of mental alertness, though players like Vanessa Selbst and Antonio Esfandiari have a much higher IQ level. It is about making your nervous system strong and expanding through the learning process and expanding your brain capacity to amass and respond to information. You must feed your brain with new challenges like learning a new language or playing a musical instrument.

Improves multitasking ability

Poker makes you more intelligent, sharp and focus. You need to learn many intricate strategies to play in any popular sites like pengeluaran togel and develop problem-solving abilities to be at the forefront. You must continually examine the tables to assume what your opponent has, or manipulate them to fold their hand in spite of a better hand than yours.  When you indulge in multi-table poker games online, you improve your multitasking ability.  You increase your alertness, attentiveness and focus so you can concentrate on several things at a time.

Some players even indulge in video games in their spare time. Playing video games enhances logical reasoning and awareness. National Academy of Science states playing video games smooth the progress of visual performance. This makes your brain optimized for a refined decision from a set of information. The brain becomes more adaptable to better understanding and organizing inputs from an outside source. The brain can exclude external noise and be more focused. Games like chess and checkers improve problem-solving and strategic awareness of the human brain.

Physical fitness

Physical fitness is also important with mental alertness for a professional poker player. In older days, most poker players were obese, but now players are lean with outmost physical fitness. They are more health conscious then they use to be. A lot of endurance, stamina is needed to seat for a prolonged period of 12 hours at a stretch. Staying physically fit also increases your concentration and attentiveness of mind. To be a successful poker player, you need a competitive edge, both physically and mentally at peak conditions like other sportspersons. Being in crest physical condition enhances other aspects of play. Taking junk food and neglecting emotional health affect your game in every turn. With mental strength, you also need physical strength. As poker players are cramped in tables for a long time, they need both mental and physical stimulation.


Sleep more

One can debate whether poker is a casino game or a sport. One can argue as poker does not involve any physical activity, so how can it be called sport. Professional poker players like other sports players like chess need a lot of determination, high attentiveness level, quick and precise decision-making ability and many other qualities. As they have to seat for long hours it with no physical movement, it affects their health. As it is an indoor game, which does not involve much physical activity, most players think good health is not of much importance. When a player is not in his best of health, fatigue takes over more quickly and affects his performance. Poker players play continually for long hours under stress, so it is important to keep oneself healthy with exercise and a balanced diet. Inadequate sleep deters your thinking and decision-making ability and causes mood swings. You must get at least 8 hours of sleep to repose your body and mind. Doing some light eye exercise like covering them with palm for 10 to 15 seconds while playing helps you to refocus.


Daily exercise

Poker players to lead a healthy life must do yoga, exercise on a daily basis. You should allow an hour regularly, four days a week.  It does improve not only your physical health but also enhance your mental alertness, concentration power, stamina and better sleeping pattern. A healthy and balanced diet is also important to be in the pink of health. Avoid junk food, eat organic food, and drink a lot of water.  Poker players should not skip important meals like; breakfast, lunch or dinner. In between meals, poker players should take snacks which are rich in fibre to stay fresh. Fish and flaxseeds which have rich omega3 fatty acids insulate your brain.

Stay hydrated

The saying goes “Drinking more water keeps the body running”. One must drink at least ten glass of water (3.7 litres for adult men and 2.7 litres for adult women) to stay hydrated. Every human cell, tissue and organ need water for proper functioning. 

Water helps you to get rid of waste through urination, perspiration and bowel movement. Water maintains the optimal body temperature, lubricates and cushions joints and protects sensitive tissue.

Lack of water cause dehydration, which dysfunction many organs, drain your energy and make you feel fatigued.

Avoid too much caffeine intake like tea and coffee.

Keep walking

Poker players are prone to many diseases and disorders associated with prolongs seating, very often in seclusion. Poker players often subjected to depression, which affects 10% of the world population. When a poker player seats alone for many hours before the computer screen, he risks himself to developing mental imbalance. Studies reveal 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise significantly reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety. You do not run a marathon to keep yourself fit and healthy, a brisk walk for half an hour to an hour is enough to reap the health benefits. There is a close link between body and mind. Physical fitness boosts your memory and cognitive skill. A short gym session at evening yield better result than studying poker strategies in various videos, spreadsheets and database, alone in front of a computer screen. Winning poker players maintain mental and physical performance levels to remain successful, competent and flourishing. Choose the exercise which suits you most; it could be yoga, aerobics or brisk walk along the park.

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