"Do you want me to strip her clothes off in order to refresh your memory?"
Author - David Chew
G'Day! Ni Hao? Hello! Many steamy hot tropical moons ago, I was bitten by the Shaw Brothers movie bug inside a cool cinema in Borneo while Wang Yu was slicing away on the screen. The same bug, living in my blood then, followed me to Sydney, Down Under years later, we both got through Customs & grew roots. Now I'm still happily living with this wonderful old bug and spreading my 'sickness' around to others whenever I can. Cheers!
"How did you meet Li Bai? Start from the beginning."
"It seems that I overestimated you. You're not qualified to be my enemy"
"I've already got the gold as you order. Why did you still kill my whole family?"
"There are three kinds of people. Men, women and the dead."
"We're Hong Kong Customs. We're going to exercise our right to board and search your vessel."
"A master that inspired generations. A legend unparalleled in history."
"There's no such thing as a good murder and a bad murder. When it comes to killing people."