"Arano" is a strange case of a film, since the director seems to have known how to shoot but not what
Category - Skip City International D-Cinema Festival
Bright up your life with Karin Takeda's directorial debut
The concept of the home invasion has been explored in a number of radically different films in Japanese cinema, from Takashi Miike’s “Visitor...
Park Jengil's exploration of minority group struggles during a school cultural exchange.
A hyper stylistic cinematic ride riddled with eerie sounds creating a grim and disturbing atmosphere known from true-crime series
Dealing with death and the presence of a stranger
A subtle, sensitive and beautiful film that definitely justifies the audience award it received in Skip City
Anshul Chauhan‘s second feature film “Kontora”, has won the Best Picture in Japanese Feature category at Skip City International D-Cinema Festival...