“Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain” is a very entertaining wuxia film whose action scenes still manage to impress today
Tag - Adam Cheng
Sword fighting, a detective story, humor and a ninja jumping out of a woman's uterus.
It's an assured debut for a director that sadly never got to make as many features as his talent would suggest
The finale itself also concludes in a way you will only ever find in a Hong Kong action movie.
A very entertaining wuxia film whose action scenes still manage to impress today
“Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain” is a very entertaining wuxia film whose action scenes still manage to impress today
“Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain” is the first Hong Kong production to combine traditional HK actions stunts with Western special effects. At...
SEVEN SONS WILL LEAVE, SIX WILL RETURN “Saving General Yang” tells the story of the house of Yang and the house of Pan ( nope, not...