Taichi Kimura lives between two worlds. The Japanese filmmaker based in London made himself a name in the music industry by producing videos for Chemical...
Tag - Anshul Chauhan
Quite a weird year for Japanese cinema, since there was no definite masterpiece this year, in the fashion of “Shoplifters” for example, while short...
Anshul Chauhan speaks about directing a court room drama, juvenile offenders, racism and bullying, working with Shogen, MEGUMI and Ryo Matsuura, the finale of...
The 27th edition of the Busan International Film Festival startet on 5th of October and will show a new selection of the best from the Asian cinema till 15th...
Anshul Chauhan is back with ”December”, his third feature, which will have its world premiere at the Busan International Film Festival this year. Synopsis...
"Even an ugly fish won't open its mouth to you"