"Didn't you know that the famous Crimson Charm Gang is coming after your teacher?"
Tag - Huang Feng
For the upcoming Eureka entertainment release of “When Taekwondo Strikes“, Ben Stykuc takes a look back at an old school classic for Asian Movie...
The concept of action movies starring female protagonists was quite prevalent in East Asian cinema during the 70s and 80s but toned significantly down after...
The actor's finest work with a vital Golden Harvest director.
"The manual is our school's top treasure. We can't give it up."
ANGELA MAO: HAPKIDO & LADY WHIRLWIND (Eureka Classics) Special Edition Blu-ray is available to PRE-ORDER now from the Eureka! Store: Angela Mao and...
A local petite Lady Kung Fu takes on those towering evil invaders and sends them flying through walls with her whirlwind kicks.