Na Hong-Kon’s highly anticipated new thriller feature film “Hope” adds two more cast members: Uhm Tae-goo (from “Night in Paradise”) and Lee Kyu-hyung...
Tag - Jo In-sung
Ryoo Seung-wan likes to keep busy. Even as his film “Escape from Mogadishu” was still ruling the box office in 2021, he was already busy shooting...
When the world around you erupts, you have no option but to join hands with a sworn enemy.
Signature Entertainment has announced the release of the excellent South Korean political thriller Escape from Mogadishu, from acclaimed director Ryu...
When the world around you erupts, you have no option but to join hands with a sworn enemy.
Usually in this paragraph, I mention the importance of a particular upcoming project and why it should be on the audience’s radar. For this one...
Your're always going to be having a magical time.
Politics, corruption and capitalist greed are common themes amongst recent Korean cinema, with anything from the seduction of climbing the sociopolitical...
South Korea celebrated the centennial of the country’s cinema in style. “Parasite” became the first film to win the coveted Palme d’Or...
After the lukewarm crime thriller “The King” in 2017, Jo In-sung is back in historical epic “The Great Battle” by director Kim Kwang...