Despite the efforts of festivals around the world, releasing and distribution companies, and streaming channels, which have gotten rather more intense during...
Tag - Shinji Aoyama
With a career spanning over 6 decades and more than 100 credits to his name, Koji Yakusho is one of the most renowned Japanese actors, with his success being...
Discover Eihi Shiina's journey in cinema, her iconic role in "Audition," and her thoughts on returning to acting in this exclusive interview.
A human tale about one of the most incredible traits of us all which is to start anew and live even though the violence of our existence has become an...
MUBI, the premier streaming service for curated independent films, has revealed its picks for December. The selection of films coming exclusively to MUBI...
In the mid-90s, a new filmmaker from Japan would be announced to the world after his experimental films with unique style, although it would not be years after...
“Do you think one can live only for others?” In the series of news about wars and attacks, it often seems there is no way to really grasp the impact the event...