
King Of Kung Fu: If Only These Would Have Happened Part 1


Every week or so, i shall be putting together a feature called If Only These Would Have Happened. It is basically just what you would have liked to have happened in martial art movies such as facing two people against each other, a director and actor working together. Before faced Jet Li in Forbidden Kingdom, i wanted that fight to happen for years, luckily it did.

If you have any suggestions, i shall pick 1-2 and include them in the next feature.

This is the only thing that was missing from the amazing Enter The Dragon. The nearest you will ever get to it, is the still they taken when practicing for scenes. I enjoyed the fight between Bolo and Saxon, but i feel the way Bolo dies and gets beat was to easy and going against Bruce Lee would have made a much better fight. Bruce have be over power at first, but he would some get into it and deliver some lighting fast punches and kicks and maybe end it with an arm bar.

Chang Cheh Directing A Movie In The Late 1970's
This would have been one hell of a movie, imagine Chang Chehs vision as a director, his characters are always a great watch, not knowing who will live or die. I think if he had Sammo in his movies from the late 70's it could have been something special. You could even have Sammo working with Lau Kar Leung on the fight choreography, two of the vest best in kung fu cinema history. Sammo would suit a Chang movie, Sammo likes to hit hard when making movies and really connect with others when doing a fight scene. Unlike Jackie, he doesn't mind having lots of blood in his movies, just the same as Chang Cheh. I just think it would have been one heck of a movie, but at least we can watch there work. Sammo did appear as an extra in very small roles in a few early movies and also do some choreography in movies such as Six Assassins, Brothers Five, The Sword-mates, The Young Rebel and others. As a director for Swordplay movies, Chang Cheh is my favorite.

jackie chan

Vs The Three Dragons
If only Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest worked together so much more, the movies we could have got would be amazing. The Venoms Vs The Three Dragons has always made me mouth water in anticipation, the skill, timing, acrobatic skills and choreography from all actors is excellent. I feel the Venoms would have the be the bad guys in the movie maybe have them masked up also until the very end. Chiang Sheng Vs would be a good battle due to there flexibility, Lo Mang Vs Sammo Hung, both strong, good at hand to hand combat and Philip Kwok Vs Jackie Chan, an acrobat and stuntman, so a fight with Chan would be a perfect match up. Only thing is, who would you put your money on to win if both were good guys and had to fight to stay alive????

Yuen Biao Vs
Two excellent acrobatic fighters, both great at stunt work and long takes during fight scenes, both have great timing, this would have been a great match up. When i first seen Tony Jaa, i thought of Yuen Biao with the way they use high kicks, flips and also some great stunt work. Both burst onto the martial art scene with top notch performances, for Biao it was in Knockabout and for Jaa it was Ong Bak. Both movies show there kung fu abilities to the limit, showcasing acrobatic fighting at it's very best. In the movie i would have liked to see Jaa as the villain going against Biao with some excellent martial art skills, would have made a great final fight.

If there is anyone you would have liked to see working together in a movie, let us know in the comment box and we might feature it next time.

About the author


Hi my name is Justyn Hughes, I have been involved or watched martial art kung fu movies most my life. I started muay thai when i was around 4-5 years old for ten years. I became a fan of kung fu flicks after watching prodigal Son in the mid 90's and that blew me away. Some of my favorite stars are: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, lam Ching Ying, Lau Kar Leung, Ti Lung, David Chiang, Chen Kuan Tai and many more.

King Of Kung Fu (Justyn Hughes)

Favorite movie: The prodigal Son

  • – Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen, but in a contemporary, brutal setting.
    – Michelle Yeoh vs. Cynthia Khan.
    – a real protracted Michelle Yeoh vs. Donnie Yen fight (well that might happen soon).

  • Dude, I LOVE your articles, keep ’em coming. But could you PLEASE find someone to proofread your writing before you publish it? The errors are driving my OCD crazy. LOL Seriously, though, I DO enjoy the information and photos you post, so thanks so much for that. Merry Christmas!

  • -Sammo Hung vs Bolo Yeung
    -Iko Uwais vs Yuen Biao
    -Yuen Wah vs Hwang Jang Lee in a villain battle
    -Jija Yanin vs Yukari Oshima
    -Donnie Yen vs Scott Adkins

  • Yuen Biao vs. Chaing Sheng—now that’s an inspired match-up! As talented as both of these guys were, that would have been one hell of a movie to watch—-they would have been flipping and flying over each other so fast, their own heads would have been spinning!

  • Jackie Chan vs Mark Dacascos.
    More Jackie Chan vs Brad Allen after gorgeous.
    Jackie Chan vs Donnie Yen in a modern day hong kong movie.
    More period movies by Jackie Chan after Drunken Master 2.
    Another 3 dragons movie in the early 90s.
    Prime Jackie Chan vs Tony Jaa.

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