
The Best Cinema Halls in the World


            Cinema halls or movie theatres as most people know them around the world serve to make the whole experience of watching a film to be a moment to cherish. There is no denying that entertainment through motion pictures is taking another dimension with the rise of streaming networks and other online platforms. It is common to find people arranging for binge-watching of sequels to a movie or even a TV-drama series at the comfort of their sitting rooms from such platforms. However cozy such an experience may be, nothing beats the excitement of watching top movies in theatres or cinema halls. Movie theatres add a thrilling factor to watching films as they come with an extra package of services, experiences, and even rules that may not apply at home. Here’s a list of some of the best cinema halls in the world and their unique features to convince you to leave the comfort of your home for an experience in the movie theatres;

Cine Thisio in Athens, Greece

            The Greek city, Athens, is home to one of the best movie theatre in the world whose location reflects the beautiful sceneries of the ancient city. Located at Apostolou Pavlou 7 in Thision, Athens, Cine Thisio is one of the outstanding outdoor movie theatres in the city. Cine Thisio provides the audience with a taste of the beautiful features of Athens in the surrounding environment. As an outdoor theatre, the audience gets a double treat of enjoying both the film on show and the breathtaking sceneries of Acropolis and Parthenon. Built-in 1935, Cine Thisio shows classic movies and new releases during summer season between the months of April and October.

Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas

            Speaking of adding a thrill or an exciting effect on the experience of watching a movie in a theatre, the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas does not disappoint. The cinema hall adds more to the experience of watching from the huge screen with its rules of admission. Alamo Drafthouse does not allow talking inside the theatre or children below the age of six years. The audience is also not allowed to enter with their cellphones. The rules allow a person to watch a movie in peace without interference from ringing cellphones and noise from playing children. Writers from research paper writing service prefer watching movies in such environments for their reviews.

Cineteca Matadero in Madrid, Spain

The fans of motion pictures of films have different tastes and preferences on the type or genre of movies one likes to watch. Top movies fall under these different categories of movies with each commanding a following of fans across the world. It is, therefore, not a surprise to have cinema halls screening only specific types of movies. One such theatre is Cineteca Matadero in the Spanish capital, Madrid. Cineteca Matadero specializes in documentary and exploratory films with both categories contributing to one of the best movie in the world. The Spanish theatre builds around an old slaughterhouse with its artistic outlook complementing its purpose of screening both documentaries and exploratory movies.

Castro Theater in San Francisco, California

Ranked as one of the biggest movie theaters in California, Castro Theater also doubles as the best movie theater in San Francisco. The cinema hall has a capacity of 1,400 seats with a European appeal thanks to the colonial Spanish decorations at the entrance. The theatre is housed in one of San Francisco landmark buildings easily recognizable from any part of the street. It also reflects San Francisco’s Spanish heritage during the colonialist era bringing on the excitement as one enters to watch the movies on screen. The cathedral appearance, for instance, represents one of the last remaining buildings with a colonial architectural design making it perfect for watching the classic movies it airs.

4DX in Seoul, South Korea

            4DX movie theatre in Seoul, South Korea takes the experience of watching movies in a cinema hall to a whole new level. Once a person visits it, online services such as write my essay for me would not be needed to write about the South Korean theatre. As the name suggests 4DX is an upgrade of the experience from the use of 3D glasses used to watch 3-dimensional movies in theatres around the world. The cinema hall brings a new feeling to watching a movie from that of simply watching and reacting to various scenes to actually being a part of the film. The audience can feel the blowing of wind from the film while still in their seats while also experiencing the effects of water from the same. It’s worth paying for such an experience.

Colosseum Kino in Oslo, Norway

The Norwegian cinema hall can easily make for the biggest movie theatre in the world courtesy of its huge iconic structure towering the city of Oslo. Colosseum Kino is the biggest cinema hall in the Northern part of Europe and perhaps the most attractive theatre. Shaped like an arch or a dome, the cinema hall produces good sound effects for the screening movie. The sound effects plus the extras provided at the screening makes the experience unmatched by many theatres around the world. Watching what is perceived as the best cinema in the world deserves an equally matching theatre and none fits the profile better than Colosseum Kino in Oslo, Norway.

Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn, New York

Combining the current generation’s love for modern effects on ancient effects of art, Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn, New York offers an exciting experience to its audience. Smaller in size than the conventional cinema halls, the theatre has an appealing effect to the young movie fans. It provides catering services to the audience and luxury seats for the fans to enjoy their movies. Its small size and features would require professional LinkedIn profile writing help as to expound or rather highlight its uniqueness. The size of the cinema hall further questions the theatre’s inclusion in the list of the best cinema halls in the world, which it redeems through its offering of quality services.

Uplink X in Tokyo, Japan

For a city crowded with a human population, one would expect that its social amenities such as cinema halls to reflect the same. This is, however, not the case for one of the smallest cinema halls in Tokyo, Japan known as Uplink X. The Japanese theatre has luxurious seats for a capacity of 40 individuals housed in a building owned by the mother company, Uplink Co. The seats have different designs and can move around the small auditorium at the comfort of the fans. The mobile seats allow individuals at the screening to interact with one another and thus making the experience more exciting. Uplink X makes for an excellent social activity for a group of friends or family members.


            It is evident that watching your favorite or the best movie in the world at the cinema halls beats enjoying the same from home. Movie theatres create an aura of excitement through extra services and beautiful designs aimed at making the experience worth the payment. The fact that theatres allow people from different backgrounds to interact makes it an enjoyable experience.

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