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Red Sea International Film Festival Reviews and Interviews 2023

Film Review: Silent Night (2023) by John Woo

Silent Night Review

Not much more to say, in an era that everything has to be socially relevant, politically-correct, and with intense underlying context, “” is a a film that just offers an audiovisual extravaganza filled with the most entertaining fanservice, in a blast from the past that actually feels reinvigorating. (Panos Kotzathanasis)

Film Review: Dear Jassi (2023) by Tarsem Singh Dhandwar

Probably the biggest trait of Dhandwar's direction here are the transitions between different types of genres, romantic comedy, drama, thriller, which happen in a way that can only be described as seamless, with the plethora of switchings between one another being essentially invisible. The smoothness of this aspect is also mirrored in the way the story unfolds, with Dhandwar increasing the direness of the events as the movie progresses, in a way that keeps the viewer on their toes from beginning to end. In that fashion, the build up is ideal, but the shock factor for what happens in the end still remains, in a series of events that can put doubts on how different from animals people actually are, and how segregation can still dominate whole nations and separate people. (Panos Kotzathanasis)

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