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Essential tips to write a movie review

Writing a movie review can be an exciting thing! You have to watch a movie and then write down what is easier. But when it comes to practice, many people feel lost and don’t know where to start. You can always order a customized movie review at Customwritings.com – official website to cope with your assignment faster. It’s your choice to work with using examples or not, but in any case, you can find here a few useful tips on how to write a good movie review.

  1. Be honest

This rule is important for any text you write. The true opinion of the author can always be more interesting and respectful than trying to write the things you don’t believe in. Did you like a movie? Good for you. You didn’t like it? Also good, you can still do a proper review. 

In any case, the review must not be reduced to a simple “I like/I don’t like.” It’s about the evaluation of the different aspects of the movie and strong argumentation why, in the end, all the efforts of the film crew led to the case when a movie can or can’t attract part of the audience whose opinion you represent. 

  1. Take notes while watching

It’s a helpful thing to save your time. Especially when you need to write a review as an academic paper, quoting a character’s line or event and indicating the time code. It’s much easier to write down a note with time than trying to find that moment and its time code later. In addition, after you have watched the full movie, you can easily forget about some details that could make your review deeper and more interesting. 

  1. Don’t focus on retelling the plot

This is a common mistake people can make when they are trying to write a movie review. The simplest way is to start retelling the plot because it’s the easiest thing to do after you watch the movie. However, the review is not about retelling the plot. You can do it, in short, to define the main characters and events you’ll analyze and evaluate further in the text. Still, you must remember that your main aim is to evaluate and analyze to explain why the different elements of the film work or don’t work properly to impress the audience.   

  1. Analyze the key elements

Discuss the screenplay, direction, acting performances, cinematography, editing, sound design, and musical score. Evaluate how well these elements work together and contribute to the film’s success or failure. Even if you don’t know much about some of these elements, a short mention of them can make your review more professional and interesting. 

  1. Comparing and contrasting

Do you want to make your review a little bit more interesting and, at the same time, show your awareness? Compare and contrast the film you’re writing about with other similar works. It can be previous movies of the same franchise or just other films of the same genre. If you have something to say when comparing them, do that without hesitation.  

  1. Audience and evaluation

Movies are often a matter of taste. Someone might not like a film that is recognized as a masterpiece in the world but admires a movie that most people don’t like. At the end of the review, you can summarize your rating of the film and note which audience and occasions it’s suitable for.

  1. Proofread and edit

This tip is also useful for any text you ever write. Even if you don’t have much time, take a very short break and then proofread your review. It’s important for the text to be without any mistakes or misprints. In the case you’re writing it just because you wish, the clear text will please the audience more. If you’re writing it as an assignment, proofreading is important to get a higher grade.

Use these tips, and you can be sure that you’ll get quite a decent movie review. Good luck working on it, and read the next section if you still need the review but don’t have time to watch the movie.

Bonus tips: Writing a review on a movie you didn’t watch

Sometimes, you recall that you have to write a movie review too late when you don’t have time to watch it. Even in such a case, you still can come up with a fine text. Just follow the next tips: 

  • Don’t focus on one source

Find as many sources as you can to read about the film. When you use just one, it’s easy to make plagiarism, even unintentional. When you read a few texts about the film, your review will be more than repeating the thoughts of one person. 

  • Take a look at the movie

Yes, you don’t have time to watch all of it. But take a quick look, and watch a few scenes you can focus on in your review. If you mention the details from those scenes, it can give the impression you actually watched the film.

These two tips are enough to write a review for a movie you didn’t watch and make the impression that you actually watched it.

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