With the whole franchise leading up to this final entry, director Naoyuki Tomomatsu unfortunately brings his sleazy exploitation series to a conclusion with...
Tag - Asami
Not content with letting the franchise die, director Naoyuki Tomomatsu felt determined to keep his series going despite most of the obvious signs pointing...
Firing back in rapid order, director Naoyuki Tomomatsu offers up the next chapter in his trilogy about the world of women dealing with the plight of a virus...
In this semi-feature film, Ayano plays a nameless secretary in her mid-twenties. Sexually repressed, she finds the world of men to be of constant concern, as...
Following the success of the previous entry, director Naoyuki Tomomatsu wasted no time in expanding his newfound franchise by offering a sequel to the first...
In Japanese culture, it’s certainly no secret that there’s plenty of open taboos and cultural norms that give the country plenty of oddball...
One of the most prominent names in the Japanese underground splatter scene, Noboru Iguchi has made a living being involved with films featuring plenty of...
Having started in 2012, this third entry in the ‘Iron Girl’ saga of action/sci-fi films carries on the post-apocalyptic themes and settings from...
Given its lack of subtext, propensity for garishly realistic violence and surrealist imagery, director Takashi Hirose manages to offer up a distinctly Japanese...
With the growing popularity of idol performers in Japan, pairing together various groups into a singular movie is a tactic that hasn’t really been...