“Tattoo” is based on the story of Akiyoshi Umekawa, a Japanese mass murderer who killed a woman on December 16, 1963, and shot dead four people on January 26...
Tag - Banmei Takahashi
BIFAN has established itself as one of the most significant festivals in Asia regarding the genre cinema of the region, with their program always being quite...
On the occasion of their film “Door” screening at BIFAN, Banmei and Keiko Takahashi talk about watching the movie after all these years, the...
"You can do anything with pink films"
History may repeat itself, but not all heroes do. Merited for both their subjects and aesthetics, “30 Great Asian Biopics” collates national...
Banmei Takahashi started out in the 70s as a scriptwriter for the pinku eiga (soft-porn) pioneer Koji Wakamatsu, until he founded his own production company...