Despite a series of issues the whole Chinese language movie world is experiencing (intense censorship, the recent disqualification of “A Light Never Goes...
Tag - Only the River Flows
2023 was a weird year for Asian cinema. Although the “usual” Japanese masters were here once more (Miyazaki, Koreeda, Hamaguchi), the Korean movie...
On the occasion of his presence at the Busan International Film Festival, Wei Shujun talks about adapting “Mistakes by the River” for “Only...
As we have mentioned in the past, Chinese cinema has a knack of producing crime films that unfold in a distinct art house style, with titles like “Black Coal...
About his motives to tackle up the story based on a barely known novel, his inspiration to adapt it to a different narrative, and the many intersting choices...
Chief of police investigates a series of murders in a riverside town in rural China in the 1990s. An arrest is made quickly, but the clues push the policeman...