Mutronics guyver live action movie 053

Mutronics guyver live action movie 053
Mutronics guyver live action movie 053
Mutronics guyver live action movie 053

Mutronics guyver live action movie 053

Mutronics guyver live action movie 053

About the author


Hi my name is Justyn Hughes, I have been involved or watched martial art kung fu movies most my life. I started muay thai when i was around 4-5 years old for ten years. I became a fan of kung fu flicks after watching prodigal Son in the mid 90's and that blew me away. Some of my favorite stars are: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, lam Ching Ying, Lau Kar Leung, Ti Lung, David Chiang, Chen Kuan Tai and many more.

King Of Kung Fu (Justyn Hughes)

Favorite movie: The prodigal Son

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