
Do CBD Edibles Enhance Your Movie-Watching Experience?

Lately, it seems like a love of cannabis and movies goes hand in hand. You’ll often find long lists of films that are 10 times better to watch after sucking on a marijuana edible because everything is funnier when you’re high.

This has raised a question about one of cannabis’s most popular compounds, CBD. It’s been touted as a “miracle” substance that treats all sorts of ailments while improving your mood. Can eating CBD edibles also make the movie-watching experience better? 

The answer is yes, it does enhance your movie-watching experience, but not in the way you think. You see, CBD doesn’t get you high. It doesn’t contain THC, the chemical found in cannabis that’s responsible for making a person feel high, so it can’t have that psychoactive effect on you.

However, it can benefit you in a lot of other ways that might have been hindering your movie-watching experience. You may have been struggling with physical and emotional discomfort during your typical movie-watching sessions without even realizing it. Here are a few key reasons that CBD edibles make the perfect movie-watching treat.

Reduces Pain and Inflammation

When you suffer from aches and pains related to any number of issues, it can make sitting or lying down for long periods of time very uncomfortable. For example, back pain, which plagues 16 million adults on a constant basis and millions more occasionally, typically worsens when you’re sitting or lying down for long periods of time.

Medical professionals recommend getting up and walking around at least once every 30 minutes, which is hardly conducive to a good movie watching experience. If you’re watching movie with a group, it’s terrible inconvenient, but the pain of sitting too long is even worse.

In this situation and many like it, CBD can target the pain and inflammation that are in the peripherals of your movie-watching experience to help you fully relax and enjoy the film. It’s believed that CBD activates your endocannabinoid system, which are responsible for regulating some aspects of pain and inflammation.

Countless individuals who experience these symptoms on a regular basis speak to the quality of CBD for relief, and many studies are now centering on this benefit with positive results.

Combats Fatigue

Are you always the friend that falls asleep when watching movies? It’s probably because you’re struggling to get a good night’s rest. Your body is trying to overcompensate for its lack of sleep by swooping in and taking over your consciousness while you’re most relaxed lying in front of the TV.

CBD has helped many patients fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night. At the right dose, it makes the user drowsy enough to fall asleep, even if they suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia.

Budding research also indicates that CBD could help to reset your sleep cycles or circadian rhythms. Disrupted sleep cycles are the reasons that you’re falling asleep at odd times, like in the middle of a movie. Resetting these sleep cycles will leave you feeling much more rested throughout the day and finally allow you to watch a movie from beginning to end.

Soothes Anxiety

Anxiety has a nasty way of ruining your favorite movies in strange ways. You might have a fear of trying new movies in different genres because you’re afraid of your emotional responses. You might just watch the same movie over and over again because you crave the familiarity. 

When it comes to suspense and horror, you probably can’t stomach them. You might not be able to tolerate even mild suspense films because you’ll have nightmares for weeks that the same thing that happened to the protagonists will happen to you.

The strangest effect of all is that you might find comfort in the weirdest movies. There’s nothing really wrong with liking weird shows, but it does tend to alienate you from certain crowds, which can create even more anxiety.

Then, there’s the issue with social anxiety in movie theaters. You can’t go to a theater because being around other people in such tight quarters is simply too much!

Let CBD soothe some of that anxiety for you. It’s been linked in multiple studies with helping to calm anxious thoughts and feelings, even when subjects were exposed to severe stressors. It has something to do with the way CBD activates your endocannabinoid system and helps to regulate hormonal responses.

CBD is so effective at soothing anxiety that according to one survey of CBD users, those with anxiety threw out their prescription anxiety medications and used only CBD to treat their symptoms in more than 50 percent of cases.

If your anxiety has been hindering your movie-watching experience for years, it might be time to try CBD.

Enhances Positive Emotions

Don’t you love it when you watch a movie that truly resonates with you? You identify with the characters, the acting is stellar, the plot is on-point, and it gives you all the best feels!

Well, there are actually physical and hormonal barriers that can occur so that you don’t feel that way when you watch great cinema. Depending on how you’re feeling that day, you might not have access to those amazing emotions. This problem is likely responsible for those times when you didn’t enjoy a movie nearly as much as everyone else in your group did.

One of the most common inhibitors to getting all the emotional connection of a movie is depression. Whether it’s a chronic condition of yours, or you’re feeling its situational effects, depression can significantly hinder your enjoyment of a movie. It often removes the emotions that you crave so that you feel basically nothing, even in the funniest, most inspiring, and heartfelt productions.

The best CBD gummies have been linked with helping to reduce feelings of depression. It’s believed to bind with CB1 receptors, inhibiting the production of chemicals that could cause your hormones to tip towards the negative side.

Additionally, CBD has been linked with helping to promote the production of serotonin and dopamine, two hormones responsible for promoting happy emotions. With these hormones producing regularly, you’re more likely to grasp on to that natural high of watching a wonderful movie without any psychoactive effects that induce a fake high.

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