Chinese Reviews Reviews Shorts Reviews

Short Film Review: Felinity (2021) by Pang Guolin

A man rescues a cat which is far from just feline.

Set to a rapid pace and simplistic plot, “” is the type of short that could easily pique interest. It may not be the most adeptly executed piece of cinema, and it does lack any sort of substantial depth, but it is fun, light-hearted and inoffensive.

“Felinity” screened at the All Asian Independent Film Festival

At the core of proceedings is an unnamed, silent man who rescues a cat from the side of a path while on a walk. Excited to get equipped with his new feline friend, he waits for leaving time from work to get back to it, understandably delighted at his new free pet. However, when he sits down with his meal, ready to refresh himself, he finds he may well have gotten more than he bargained for.

Amidst the amateurish feel to ongoings, the highlight of “Felinity” is undeniably its humour. The reoccurring cycle of the transformation from cat into a fussy eating sex addict is bizarre yet smile-raising, and the overall lack of clear answers does enough to keep audiences guessing. Utilising the pint sized runtime well, it is a film which knows its ceiling, and hits it without trying to overstretch the mark.

Continuing, does a decent job with his depiction of the silent man, capturing a range of emotions with little hiccup. He enjoys both the cat and the woman, and viewers can see that he is desperate to impress both. On a technical level, there is very little to talk about, although the bright colours and close-ups of food do give a welcoming touch to the movie.

It may be far from perfect, and at the same time far from memorable, but “Felinity” is still a fun short. It passes the time with warm humour and a simplistic accessibility, its dainty length endearing it further to potential watchers.

About the author

Nathan Sartain

I’m a freelance journalist interested in Asian cinema and television. I particularly enjoy crime thrillers, and can be followed on Twitter @nathan_sartain.

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