Reviews Thai Reviews

Film Review: Faces of Anne (2023) by Rasiguet Sookkarn and Kongdej Jaturanrasmee

Faces of Anne (2023) by Rasiguet Sookkarn and Kongdej Jaturanrasmee
A topical enough genre movie undone by some big factors.

In the modern age, one of the more impactful and topical issues found in the consciousness of pop culture is self-identity and what a person’s identity means to them. Being lost in a malaise of social media, online ads, and a culture concerned with providing a marketable identity for easy branding, it’s possible for this factor to be a crippling issue for youths fighting to keep themselves afloat while they attempt to navigate the world around them. Thai directors and have decided to explore this concept in their new film “,” having its North American premiere at the .

Faces of Anne is screening at New York Asian Film Festival

Check also this interview

Overall, “Faces of Anne” is a solid enough genre effort. Among the better elements present is a genuinely intriguing concept from writer Jaturanrasamee that provides a framework for a great mystery. The fact that Anne is constantly changing face is an incredibly impactful part of the film, especially once the twist of it all comes into focus later on, and comes off nicely with a wide berth throughout here. It’s a creepy enough concept by itself enhanced by the unfamiliarity of the rest of her surroundings. Waking up inside the strange hospital you aren’t familiar with, surrounded by a cold, seemingly lifeless staff more interested in carrying out their assignments completes a rather effective setup. When the changes take place, whether it’s subtle or explicit, the slightest uptick in Anne’s personality provides even more, involving a changing personality to really speak highly of the topical identity issues she faces. These factors combine nicely with some of the later revelations to give this a great overall setup.

That all gives “Faces of Anne” a great means of launching a slew of effective creature and horror attacks. The overall look of the main creature, with its deer face on a hulking, humanoid stance and clawed hands, gives off a fantastic imposing structure that is utilized quite effectively. Keeping it to brief bits noting its demonic presence during the chase scenes to be the focal point of their fear is another well-done tactic to generate some solid chills. From the opening attack on the victim seen through a door peephole, to a fine chase through the various staff rooms, and a final encounter inside the hallways of the facility, these encounters with the creature house a fine sense of fear regarding the situation. While not over-the-top with the gore, they’re brutal enough to leave an impression of what happened as well. When added together with the revelation about the creatures’ backstory connecting it to Anne, there are some positive points to be had with the film.

The biggest drawback to what’s going on here is the overly complicated storyline that might be unique and creative but makes no sense. It’s quite clever to have the film utilize various actresses appearing at random intervals to showcase Anne’s changing appearance, but this becomes quite hard to keep track of the intent at times. The revelation about secret identities and hidden personalities that serves as a means of tying everything together happens so late in the running time that there’s no way of getting acclimated into this universe early on. As a result, the pacing becomes incredibly sluggish, waiting around for these explanations through endless hypnotism sessions, flashbacks, and conversations about the need for identity that drag the running time out waiting for everything to make sense. These factors are enough to lower this one overall.

Generally appealing and likable even with some big issues about it, “Faces of Anne” has a lot going for it even if the confusing nature of the film and an overlong running time do factor heavily against it. Give it a chance if you’re intrigued by it or find the mystery/thriller side of the genre more appealing.

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