Lois Patiño's extraordinary dual narrative takes us from Laos to Zanzibar in a cinematic experience that breaks new ground.
Category - Laotian Reviews
"Onlookers" comes up to its name in the appropriate empirical meaning: it is not iterventional, not pro- or against what is going on in front of the lense.
Anthology film about the ecological, spiritual and human repercussions of corporate exploitation and pollution of the Mekong River Delta.
Anthology film about the ecological, spiritual and human repercussions of corporate exploitation and pollution of the Mekong River Delta.
In the latest years, Laotian cinema seems to begin overcoming the plights of the past, that tortured it with forced propaganda and the lack of funding, through...
The US-born Laotian filmmaker Mattie Do is back on the festival circuit with her third feature “The Long Walk“. This arthouse-genre hybrid...
Three years after her first feature, Mattie Do comes back with “Dearest Sister”. The movie was the Laotian representative in the run for the Best Foreign...