Korean Trailers

Trailer for Upcoming Korean Thriller “Idol” by Lee Su-jin

Six years after the harrowing but excellent “Han Gong-ju”, director is back with his sophomore directorial film ““. While “Han Gong-ju” was primarily a drama, “Idol” will see Lee Su-jin have a go at the thriller genre.


Goo Myeong-hoi’s successful political life is in danger as a result of an accident involving his son. An upstanding citizen with strict moral code, he convinces his son to come forward with the accident instead of covering it up. Yoo Joong-sik’s life revolves around his mentally handicapped son Boo-nam but his world comes crashing down when his son ends up dead in an accident. Ryeon-hwa was with Boo-nam the night he was killed and saw everything firsthand. For some mysterious reason, she disappears without a trace. Both men look for her for two very different reasons and her secret is bound to connect these two men’s lives in a harrowing way.

The film brings actors and together, with the two playing Myeong-hoi and Joong-sik respectively. Also teaming up with Lee Su-jin once again is , the star of “Han Gong-ju”. “Idol” opens in South Korean cinemas in March, 2019.

About the author

Rhythm Zaveri

Hello, my name is Rhythm Zaveri. For as long as I can remember, I've been watching movies, but my introduction to Asian cinema was old rental VHS copies of Bruce Lee films and some Shaw Bros. martial arts extravaganzas. But my interest in the cinema of the region really deepened when I was at university and got access to a massive range of VHS and DVDs of classic Japanese and Chinese titles in the library, and there has been no turning back since.

An avid collector of physical media, I would say Korean cinema really is my first choice, but I'll watch anything that is south-east Asian. I started contributing to Asian Movie Pulse in 2018 to share my love for Asian cinema in the form of my writings.

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