Whenever someone is in danger, you can count on crap-man to come save the day… Sort of. Admittedly, Crap-man is not a very good superhero, with his ability to eat from his anus being more a distraction than an attribute. When the hero is tasked to save a baby from a killer, the s*** faced caped crusader finds himself causing more harm than good.
Crap-Man is Screening at JFFH 2020 Online-Festival

At a runtime of less than two minutes, it is difficult to add much commentary on the production. However, what the film does present in its short duration is an enjoyable absurdist adventure. The comedic pacing, visual presentation and bizarre scenario help to make this micro film a dark comedic gem. Despite the short duration, the project shows director Hikaru Tsukuda has a knack to bring the various aspects of production together for a slightly messy yet solid experience (pun intended).
“Crap-Man” feels like it could be a single sequence in a larger production, bound to leave audiences longing for more adventures from the cruddy hero. Thankfully, what little there is still offers an uproarious and fun experience worth a couple minutes of your time. This sentiment is further echoed to fans of dark and absurd humor, which Japan has proven to be a notable purveyor of.