Korean Trailers Trailers

Trailer: The Swordsman by Choi Jae-hoon

Stylish sword-fighting actions scenes and lush production values populate the trailer for “” starring , which also sees Indonesian action star make his first appearance in a Korean film.


After the dethronement of Gwanghaegun, the country's best swordsman Tae-yool vanishes. Joseon itself is in chaos due to the conflict between Qing and Ming Dynasty. Gurutai is a member of the imperial family of Qing. He makes unreasonable demands upon Joseon. Under this situation, Tae-yool's daughter Tae-ok is taken by Gurutai's subordinates. Tae-yool picks up his sword again to save his daughter.

Jang Hyuk (“The Flu”) stars as Tae-yool while Joe Taslim (“The Night Comes for Us”) takes up the role of Gurutai. Accompanying them are (“Silenced”) and (“Beasts Clawing at Straws”). It is pencilled in for a September 23rd, 2020 release in South Korea.

About the author

Rhythm Zaveri

Hello, my name is Rhythm Zaveri. For as long as I can remember, I've been watching movies, but my introduction to Asian cinema was old rental VHS copies of Bruce Lee films and some Shaw Bros. martial arts extravaganzas. But my interest in the cinema of the region really deepened when I was at university and got access to a massive range of VHS and DVDs of classic Japanese and Chinese titles in the library, and there has been no turning back since.

An avid collector of physical media, I would say Korean cinema really is my first choice, but I'll watch anything that is south-east Asian. I started contributing to Asian Movie Pulse in 2018 to share my love for Asian cinema in the form of my writings.

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