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Bangkok International Documentary Awards Call for Entries

Bangkok International Documentary Awards () is the documentary international awards and film festival based in Bangkok, Thailand.

BKK DOC was established to promote documentaries and its talents in and around South East Asia, starting with Thailand.

BKK DOC aims at bringing cutting edge documentaries from all over the world to Thailand.

“Over 200 films submitted to BKK DOC will first be screened by a selection committee welcoming actors, directors, producers, distributors and entertainment professionals from different fields (TV, Cinemas, Plate forms, Festivals) coming from all over the world.

The documentaries which will make it to the official selection will have the opportunity to access a dedicated audience online thanks to our partners.  The filmmakers will also be invited to meet with our partners and join exclusive webinars.”

The Jury will then decide on the best 15 films out of the official selection. The Award winning Films will be screened during the Festival at the prestigious Goethe Institute  in Bangkok from 17 to 20 December 2020.

The recipients of the Awards will receive the Prestigious BKK DOC “Stephff Award”, an original drawing by renowned bangkok based news cartoonist Stephff.

It's time to submit your latest Documentary films to Bangkok International Documentary Awards film festival.

The Award competition is open to filmmakers from all over the world. Welcoming documentaries in all shapes and forms.

more details on BKKDOC.COM


About the author

Rhythm Zaveri

Hello, my name is Rhythm Zaveri. For as long as I can remember, I've been watching movies, but my introduction to Asian cinema was old rental VHS copies of Bruce Lee films and some Shaw Bros. martial arts extravaganzas. But my interest in the cinema of the region really deepened when I was at university and got access to a massive range of VHS and DVDs of classic Japanese and Chinese titles in the library, and there has been no turning back since.

An avid collector of physical media, I would say Korean cinema really is my first choice, but I'll watch anything that is south-east Asian. I started contributing to Asian Movie Pulse in 2018 to share my love for Asian cinema in the form of my writings.

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