Linda Linda Linda by The Blue Hearts, featured in Nobuhiro Yamashita‘s 2005 film “Linda Linda Linda” where 4 high-school students, guitarist Kei (Yu Kashii), drummer Kyoko (Aki Maeda), bassist Nozumi (Shiori Sekine) and Korean exchange student Son (Bae Doo-Na) improvise a cover version of it for the end of year school festival.
Music Video: Linda Linda Linda by The Blue Hearts
October 3, 2020
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About the author
Adriana Rosati
On paper I am an Italian living in London, in reality I was born and bread in a popcorn bucket. I've loved cinema since I was a little child and I’ve always had a passion and interest for Asian (especially Japanese) pop culture, food and traditions, but on the cinema side, my big, first love is Hong Kong Cinema. Then - by a sort of osmosis - I have expanded my love and appreciation to the cinematography of other Asian countries. I like action, heroic bloodshed, wu-xia, Shaw Bros (even if it’s not my specialty), Anime, and also more auteur-ish movies. Anything that is good, really, but I am allergic to rom-com (unless it’s a HK rom-com, possibly featuring Andy Lau in his 20s)"
Linda Linda Linda is, perhaps, my favorite “cheer me up” movie of all time. I think I’ve probably seen it around 20 times — a lot of those involved showing it off to visiting friends (all of whom seemed to enjoy it quite a bit too). It inspired me for my karaoke debut in Japan (I took a romaji cheat sheet along for this — and for the Totoro songs).
Seems like this is one of the main purposes of cinema :)))