Movie of the Week

Movie of the Week #2: Ben Stykuc picks A Chinese Odyssey (1995) by Jeff Lau

Movie of the Week #2

Technically I'm cheating as this is a two part feature! “A Chinese Odyssey” for me defines everything I love about Hong Kong cinema. To describe it is to recall a wild fever dream as it just switches tone wildly from scene to scene. Yet it works in creating an emotional roller coaster that sucks you into its spell. When I watched it for the first time I had no idea what was going on but knew I was loving every second! One moment I was laughing at an absurd gag, the next bawling my eyes out. 's regular screen persona fits the Monkey King's evolvement to a tee. For me it remains the best adaptation of the “Journey to the West” stories even if at times bares no resemblance to them at all! Only in Hong Kong Cinema can you get such a combination of action, slapstick comedy and an ending that is both achingly sad and beautiful at the same time. Brilliant madness and I was humming “Love of a Lifetime” for days after. Truly good cinema makes you “feel” and this will make you feel every emotion by the time those credits role.  

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