Japanese Trailers Trailers

Trailer: Ripples by Naoko Ogigami

Yoriko SUDO (Mariko TSUTSUI) is a woman in her 50s. She draws fine ripples in the sand every morning as she tends to the Zen garden in her yard, which seems incongruous with her modern house in its quiet residential area. Yoriko is devoted to a cult-like religion, the Ryokumei-kai or the Green Life Water Society, and spends her days in prayer and study. One day, her husband Osamu (Ken MITSUISHI), who abandoned her and their son several years ago, comes back. His return is like a rock that makes ripples on the quiet surface of her life. The earthquake, nursing care for the aged, new religions, discrimination against the handicapped – the unexplained darkness in the world appears in the Sudo family. When Yoriko's emotions which have been stifled are revealed, the film rises from despair to entertainment. (Source: Japanese Film Database)

Ripples is written and directed by (Riverside Mukolitta). Theatrical release in Japan is scheduled for May 26, 2023.

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