Features Scene of the Week

Scene of the Week #1: Watanabe Sits in a Swing in the Playground, Singing While Snow Is Falling All Around (Ikiru, Akira Kurosawa)

Scene of the Week: Ikiru
Scene of the Week #1

Watanabe reaps the benefits of his efforts to build a playground despite all the obstacles bureaucracy puts in his way, in his own distinct fashion. He walks to a playground where he sits on a swing and lingers while singing his favorite song. The thick snow that is falling does not seem to bother him and eventually, the fact that he died during this night is revealed.

” was the first film where Kurosawa decided to do his own editing and the result was magnificent, particularly in this scene, where his entire technical prowess is highlighted. Kurosawa magnificently combines the white snow, the dark night, the cold breath that comes out of Watanabe's mouth as he walks toward the swing, his later swinging, and the song that comes softly out of his mouth, “Gondola No Uta”.

The result is very touching, visually striking and provides a clear message regarding the strength of the human psyche and the value of self-sarifice, which can triumph against all odds. , who is astonishing as Watanabe in the whole film, presents the apogee of his performance in this scene.

About the author

Panos Kotzathanasis

My name is Panos Kotzathanasis and I am Greek. Being a fan of Asian cinema and especially of Chinese kung fu and Japanese samurai movies since I was a little kid, I cultivated that love during my adolescence, to extend to the whole of SE Asia.

Starting from my own blog in Greek, I then moved on to write for some of the major publications in Greece, and in a number of websites dealing with (Asian) cinema, such as Taste of Cinema, Hancinema, EasternKicks, Chinese Policy Institute, and of course, Asian Movie Pulse. in which I still continue to contribute.

In the beginning of 2017, I launched my own website, Asian Film Vault, which I merged in 2018 with Asian Movie Pulse, creating the most complete website about the Asian movie industry, as it deals with almost every country from East and South Asia, and definitely all genres.

You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

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