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The Zen Diary Director Yuji Nakae Will Be in Toronto at the End of May!

The Zen Diary will be screening in Toronto Japanese Film Festival in May 2024! Director Yuji Nakae will be attending all the screenings

Japanese film ‘', which depicts Buddhist vegetarian cuisine and the sustainable lifestyle in Nagano, will be screening in Toronto in May 2024! Director will be attending all the screenings below.

Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre: May 23 ( )
Revue Cinema: May 24 & 25 (

Title: The Zen Diary (『土を喰らう十二ヵ月』)
Director/Script: Yuji Nakae
Casts: Kenji Sawada, Takako Matsu, Naomi Nishida, Toshinori Omi, Koihachi Takigawa, Fumi Dan, Shohei
Hino, Tomoko Naraoka
Based on the book by Tsutomu Mizukami
Cooking: Yoshiharu Doi / Music: Yoshihide Otomo


Tsutomu lives alone in the mountains, writing essays and cooking food with vegetables he grows and mushrooms he picks in the hills. His routine is happily disturbed when Machiko, his editor/love interest, occasionally visits. She loves to eat, and he loves to cook for her. Tsutomu seems content with his daily life. On the other hand, he still hasn't let go of his wife's ashes, although she died 13 years ago. A close brush with death will now force him to decide what he values most in life and what he must choose going forward.

About the author

Adam Symchuk

Adam Symchuk is a Canadian born freelance writer and editor who has been writing for Asian Movie Pulse since 2018. He is currently focused on covering manga, manhwa and light novels having reviewed hundreds of titles in the past two years.

His love of film came from horror and exploitation films from Japan that he devoured in his teens. His love of comics came from falling in love with the works of Shuzo Oshimi, Junji Ito, Hideshi Hino, and Inio Asano but has expanded to a general love of the medium and all its genres.

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