A melodramatic call for diversity set in a downpour of emotions
Author - Leon Overee
Leon is a film fanatic from Singapore who enjoys watching all sorts of movies, from 1940s Frank Capra Screwballs to niche Oscar-winning films like CODA and Nomadland, but in his opinion, the Horror genre is the best thing that ever happened to cinema. He thinks you should agree with that lest Babadook and Beetlejuice come a crawlin...
In his spare time, Leon bakes and goes on long walks (https://leonwildinwalks.wixsite.com/wildinwalks)
But enough about him, Let's talk movies!
BeAm Me uP ScoTTy!
No one is a killer but circumstances make them one
Our only power is our united voice
There’s no such thing as a deity
Think “Fantastic Mr. Fox” (2009) by Wes Anderson but with a less grim and adult side
Is this real life or was it all just a dream?
"Aim for change, shoot their heads"