
Shaw Brothers Vs Golden Harvest (1976)


I didn’t want to originally do a post like this, mainly due to the fact i love both studio’s and the movies they made. A lot of talk in some groups is which company made the better movies throughout there time, the year for this one is 1976.

I shall pick the 4 best movies i think from each year, starting with 1976 and let you guys decide in the comments box, which studio ruled that year.


Hand Of Death
Cast:Tan Tao Liang, James Tien, Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung
Choreographed by:Sammo Hung



The Himalayan
Cast:Chan Sing, Angela Mao, Tan Tao Liang, Sammo Hung
Choreographed by:Sammo Hung, Han Ying Chieh



A Queen’s Ransom
Cast:Wang Yu, Angela Mao, George Lazenby, Bolo Yeung



Princess Chang Ping
Cast:Leung Sing Bor, Chu Siu Boh, Leung Ga Bo



Shaolin Avengers
Cast:Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan Chun, Chiang Sheng, Leung Kar Yan
Choreographed by:Hsieh Hsing, Chan San Yat



Shaolin Temple
Cast:Ti Lung, Fu Sheng, The Venoms, David Chiang, Johnny Wang
Choreographed by:Hsieh Hsing, Chan San Yat



New Shaolin Boxers
Cast:Fu Sheng, Leung Kar yan, Johnny Wang, Wong Lik
Choreographed by:Hsieh Hsing, Chan San Yat, Leung Kar yan



Challenge Of The Masters
Cast:Gordon Liu, Chen Kuan Tai, Lau Kar Leung
Choreographed by:Lau Kar Leung

My verdict: Shaw Brothers

About the author


Hi my name is Justyn Hughes, I have been involved or watched martial art kung fu movies most my life. I started muay thai when i was around 4-5 years old for ten years. I became a fan of kung fu flicks after watching prodigal Son in the mid 90's and that blew me away. Some of my favorite stars are: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, lam Ching Ying, Lau Kar Leung, Ti Lung, David Chiang, Chen Kuan Tai and many more.

King Of Kung Fu (Justyn Hughes)

Favorite movie: The prodigal Son

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