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Short Film Review: Good Taste (2022) by Kim Seon-jae

Worthwhile for the most part

Jenny (), a wide-eyed Asian woman in her twenties, arrives at Isabella () and Theo’s () chic home after a successful, boozy date. Despite the white couple’s strange behavior, Jenny stays as to not miss out on a cool sexual experience… until she realizes she is in for something far more frightening.

Overall, “Good Taste” provides quite a lot to like about it. The central setup at play, focusing on the awkwardness of the situation in trying to trust the strange couple despite their sayings being slight red flags at the moment, sets off the central theme quite well. That alone, not just with Jenny coming home with the couple in the first place, creates a rather chilling setup that drops us into a potentially threatening scenario. Even though Isabella and Theo clearly try to put her at ease with flattery and trying to brush off the incidents as nothing all that special, the unease continues on through their erotic threeway lovemaking session. Here, she’s more interested in pleasure while he performs more unconventional and somewhat uncomfortable tactics to further the tension that much more.

However, it’s the payoff and revelation of the incident where “Good Taste has the most going for it. The strange wound on her body and the ramifications of what it means offers a rather shocking and gruesome thought as to what’ll happen to Jenny, driving the rest of the short along. That the rather shocking confrontation here does have some positives and negatives involving the creativity to come up with the escape plan on the fly that she does to get away is a nice plus. However, it also manages to come off quite oddly in the execution as to how this ploy allows her to get away unscathed without alerting anyone else to the situation. It’s not nearly that big of an issue but is overall a small factor against an otherwise well-shot and enjoyable short.

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