Korean Trailers Trailers

Trailer: Ballerina by Lee Chung-hyun

Right from her very first feature, has established that she is a daring actress, when it comes to her film choices. Starting her career on a very strong foot as Hae-mi in Lee Chang-dong’s acclaimed “Burning”, she has gone on to play a psychotic serial killer from the past in ‘s “The Call” and had a frank conversation on sex and relationships in the romance “Nothing Serious”, while also making her international debut in an Ana Lily Amirpour feature. Yet again, she subverts expectations and changes genres, this time going full-action mode in “The Call” director and real-life boyfriend Lee Chung-hyun’s new work “”.


Ok-ju used to work as a bodyguard. She excels in physical activities like martial arts, sword fighting, gunmanship, and motorcyle riding. She is friends with Min-hee, who is a ballerina. Min-hee asks Ok-ju for a favor. She wants Ok-ju to take revenge on Pro Choi. Ok-ju soon risks her life for her friend.

Joinin Jeon are (who she also worked with on the Korean adaptation of the series “Money Heist”), who plays Pro Choi, and . The film is confirmed to stream worldwide on starting October 6th.

About the author

Rhythm Zaveri

Hello, my name is Rhythm Zaveri. For as long as I can remember, I've been watching movies, but my introduction to Asian cinema was old rental VHS copies of Bruce Lee films and some Shaw Bros. martial arts extravaganzas. But my interest in the cinema of the region really deepened when I was at university and got access to a massive range of VHS and DVDs of classic Japanese and Chinese titles in the library, and there has been no turning back since.

An avid collector of physical media, I would say Korean cinema really is my first choice, but I'll watch anything that is south-east Asian. I started contributing to Asian Movie Pulse in 2018 to share my love for Asian cinema in the form of my writings.

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